- Χαραυγή (Dawn) op.1 for Guitar (1991) ( pubished by Les Productions d' Oz)
- Βραδυνό σε δάσος (Night in the Forest) op.6 for Flute (1994) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Dance of Lunar Spirits op.8 for Piano (1994)
- Μολυβένιο Στρατιωτάκι (Little Iron Soldier) op.14 for Flute (1996)
- Sonata Grotesque op.16 for Piano (1996)
- Little Suite op.19 for Piano (1997-1998)
- Four Preludes op.21 for Piano (1998)
- Οι Καμπάνες (The Bells) op.22 for Piano (1998)
- Παντομίμα (Pantomime) op.28 for Bb Clarinet (1999 - 2022)
- Νηρηίδες (Nereids) op.40 for Piano (2002)
- «Στιγμή Χρόνου πας εστίν ο βίος» (“A single moment of life is entire life”) op. 51 for Bayan (2004)
- November op.56 for Flute (2004) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Λευκό Νανούρισμα (White Lullaby) op.57 for Piano (2004) ( published by Gold Branch Music Inc.)
- Στάσιμα I (Stasima I) op.62 for Flute (2005-2006) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Wonderland op.65 for Bayan (2006)
- Three Ancient Frescoes op.69 for Harp (2006)
- Si vis amari, ama op.71 for flute (2006) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Στασίχορδον (Stasichordon) op.72 for guitar (2006-2007) ( published by CMRC - KSYME )
- Ταπεινοσύνη (Modesty) op.77 for bass flute (2008) ( published by Tetractys Publishing )
- Επιθυμίες (Desires) op.81 (text by K.P.Kavafis) for female voice (2008)
- No Man’s Land – Toccata op.82 for Accordion (2008)
- Sonatina op.85 for Violin (Athens) (2008)
- Πολύχορδον (Polychordon) op.86 for Guitar (2008) ( published by CMRC - KSYME )
- Άργος (Argos) op.90 for Soprano Recorder (2009)
- Σειρήνες (Sirens) op.91 for Violin (2009)
- Αιώρησις (Floating) op.92 for Prepared Piano (2009)
- Three Nocturnes op.96 for Piano (2009)
- Αίνιγμα (Enigma) op.98 for Flute (2009) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Μιλώντας στη Σκιά μου (Talking to my shadow) op.101 for Oboe (2009)
- Quasi Sonata op.103 for Piano (2009)
- Ο Μίτος της Αριάδνης (Ariadne's Thread) op.108 for Guitar (2010)
- Three Landscapes op.110 for Piano (2010)
- Piccolina Sonatina op.111 for Flute (2010)
- Two Ballades and Choros op.112 for Guitar (2010) ( pubished by Les Productions d' Oz)
- Νουβέλα (Novel) op.122 for French Horn (2011) ( pubished by Arcomis)
- Κάλαμος (Kalamos) op.124 for Flute Pronomos (Quarter - tone flute) (2011)
- Μονογραφίες (Monographs) op.125 Book I for Piano (2011) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Ναϊάδες (Naiads) op.126 for Flute (2011) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Επιφάνεια (Epiphany) op.127 for Bass Clarinet (2011)
- Elegy and Dance op.128 for Flute (2011) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Trombone Sonate op.129 for Trombone (2011) ( pubished by Arcomis)
- 21st Century Suite op.130 for Piano or Harpsichord (2011)
- Theme and Variations op.131 for Violin (2011)
- Voices in the Air op.132 for Great Bass Recorder or Bass Flute (2012) ( pubished by Arcomis)
- The Bells op.138 on a poem by E.A.Poe for Female Voice (2012)
- The Path op.141 for Pronomos flute (2012)
- In Wonderland op.142 for Organ (2012)
- The Leaves Whispered in the Breeze op.145 for Flute (2013) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Fantasia op.149 for Harp (2013)
- Eastern Winds op.150 for Alto Flute (2013/2021)
- The Death of Typhoon op.151 for Violin (2013)
- Μονογραφίες (Monographs) op.152 Book ΙI for Piano (2013) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Stanzas op.155 for Bansuri (Bamboo Indian Flute) (2013)
- Ho - ba op.156 for Basset Horn (2013)
- Κύκλωψ (Cyclops) op.158 for Double Bass (2013)
- ΙΩ (IO) op.159 for Solo Percussion (2013)
- Butterfly Fixer op.163 for Piano (2014) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Oiseaux Mysterieux op.165 for Flute (2014)
- Preludes and Fugues for unaccompanied Violin op.167 for Violin (2014)
- To B "... the ghosts he was hunting, are still here" op.169 for Piano (2014) ( published by Musica Ferrum )
- Ripples op.179 for Cimbalom (2015)
- Ωδή σε έναν ποιητή (Ode to a poet) op.180 for Cello (2015)
- Arabesque op.183 for Flute (2015)
- Capricho op.185 for Alto Saxophone (2015)
- Piezas idiomaticas op.187 for Guitar (2016)
- Antigone's Lament op.190 for Flute (2016)
- Chromatic Fugue and Variations op.193 for Violin (2016)
- Εκάβη (Hecube) (Variations on a verse of Euripides' Tragedy) op.195 for mezzo Soprano (+ Percussion) (2017)
- Innamorati op.196 for Clarinet (2017)
- Grand Fantasy op.201 for Ancient Greek Lyre (2017)
- Folk Suite op.202 for Harpsichord (2017)
- The Storyteller op.203 for Alto Flute (2017) ( published by Tetractys Publishing )
- Hide and Seek op.206 for Clarinet in Bb (2018)
- Θεατρινισμοί (Theatricalities) op.208 for Violin (2019)
- The old wizard's tunes op.209 for Bass Flute (2019) ( published by Tetractys Publishing )
- The children approach the piano op.214 for Piano or two Toy Pianos (2020)
- April's Sketchandos Suite op.218 for Accordion (2020)
- Great expectations op.223 for Piano (2020)
- Baroque Flute Preludes op.226 for Baroque Flute (2020) (published by Tetractys Publishing U.K.)
- Ημέρες δόξας (Glorious days) op.228 for Trombone (2020)
- Χρωμόχορδον (Chromochordon) op.231 for Guitar (2021)
- Autokίnisis op.232 for Vibraphone (and two - three bass Gamelans if available) (2021)
- A little present op.236 for Lyre (2021)
- Doubting op.239 for Double - Bell, Quarter - Tone Trumpet (2021)
- Round B.A.C.H. op.240 for Toy Piano (2021)
- Ομολογία (Confession) op.242 for Ancient Greek Lyre (2022)
- 30 Easy Melodic Etudes op.245 for Alto / Bass or Concert Flute (2022)
- Enigmatic star (Αινιγματικό αστέρι) - E.A.Poe op.251 (Μετάφραση : Α.Σαντοριναίος) for Soprano or Tenor (2022)
- Why op.255 for Bass Flute (2023) (published by Tetractys Publishing U.K.)
- A farewell to Kauai'o'o op.260 for Flute (2023)
- Sweet azalea op.266 for Flute or Piccolo (2024)
- Seven studies in microtonal scales op.274 for Lyre (2025)
- Χαραυγή (Dawn) op.1 for Guitar (1991) ( pubished by Les Productions d' Oz)
- Βραδυνό σε δάσος (Night in the Forest) op.6 for Flute (1994) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Dance of Lunar Spirits op.8 for Piano (1994)
- Μολυβένιο Στρατιωτάκι (Little Iron Soldier) op.14 for Flute (1996)
- Sonata Grotesque op.16 for Piano (1996)
- Little Suite op.19 for Piano (1997-1998)
- Four Preludes op.21 for Piano (1998)
- Οι Καμπάνες (The Bells) op.22 for Piano (1998)
- Παντομίμα (Pantomime) op.28 for Bb Clarinet (1999 - 2022)
- Νηρηίδες (Nereids) op.40 for Piano (2002)
- «Στιγμή Χρόνου πας εστίν ο βίος» (“A single moment of life is entire life”) op. 51 for Bayan (2004)
- November op.56 for Flute (2004) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Λευκό Νανούρισμα (White Lullaby) op.57 for Piano (2004) ( published by Gold Branch Music Inc.)
- Στάσιμα I (Stasima I) op.62 for Flute (2005-2006) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Wonderland op.65 for Bayan (2006)
- Three Ancient Frescoes op.69 for Harp (2006)
- Si vis amari, ama op.71 for flute (2006) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Στασίχορδον (Stasichordon) op.72 for guitar (2006-2007) ( published by CMRC - KSYME )
- Ταπεινοσύνη (Modesty) op.77 for bass flute (2008) ( published by Tetractys Publishing )
- Επιθυμίες (Desires) op.81 (text by K.P.Kavafis) for female voice (2008)
- No Man’s Land – Toccata op.82 for Accordion (2008)
- Sonatina op.85 for Violin (Athens) (2008)
- Πολύχορδον (Polychordon) op.86 for Guitar (2008) ( published by CMRC - KSYME )
- Άργος (Argos) op.90 for Soprano Recorder (2009)
- Σειρήνες (Sirens) op.91 for Violin (2009)
- Αιώρησις (Floating) op.92 for Prepared Piano (2009)
- Three Nocturnes op.96 for Piano (2009)
- Αίνιγμα (Enigma) op.98 for Flute (2009) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Μιλώντας στη Σκιά μου (Talking to my shadow) op.101 for Oboe (2009)
- Quasi Sonata op.103 for Piano (2009)
- Ο Μίτος της Αριάδνης (Ariadne's Thread) op.108 for Guitar (2010)
- Three Landscapes op.110 for Piano (2010)
- Piccolina Sonatina op.111 for Flute (2010)
- Two Ballades and Choros op.112 for Guitar (2010) ( pubished by Les Productions d' Oz)
- Νουβέλα (Novel) op.122 for French Horn (2011) ( pubished by Arcomis)
- Κάλαμος (Kalamos) op.124 for Flute Pronomos (Quarter - tone flute) (2011)
- Μονογραφίες (Monographs) op.125 Book I for Piano (2011) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Ναϊάδες (Naiads) op.126 for Flute (2011) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Επιφάνεια (Epiphany) op.127 for Bass Clarinet (2011)
- Elegy and Dance op.128 for Flute (2011) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Trombone Sonate op.129 for Trombone (2011) ( pubished by Arcomis)
- 21st Century Suite op.130 for Piano or Harpsichord (2011)
- Theme and Variations op.131 for Violin (2011)
- Voices in the Air op.132 for Great Bass Recorder or Bass Flute (2012) ( pubished by Arcomis)
- The Bells op.138 on a poem by E.A.Poe for Female Voice (2012)
- The Path op.141 for Pronomos flute (2012)
- In Wonderland op.142 for Organ (2012)
- The Leaves Whispered in the Breeze op.145 for Flute (2013) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Fantasia op.149 for Harp (2013)
- Eastern Winds op.150 for Alto Flute (2013/2021)
- The Death of Typhoon op.151 for Violin (2013)
- Μονογραφίες (Monographs) op.152 Book ΙI for Piano (2013) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Stanzas op.155 for Bansuri (Bamboo Indian Flute) (2013)
- Ho - ba op.156 for Basset Horn (2013)
- Κύκλωψ (Cyclops) op.158 for Double Bass (2013)
- ΙΩ (IO) op.159 for Solo Percussion (2013)
- Butterfly Fixer op.163 for Piano (2014) ( pubished by Musica Ferrum)
- Oiseaux Mysterieux op.165 for Flute (2014)
- Preludes and Fugues for unaccompanied Violin op.167 for Violin (2014)
- To B "... the ghosts he was hunting, are still here" op.169 for Piano (2014) ( published by Musica Ferrum )
- Ripples op.179 for Cimbalom (2015)
- Ωδή σε έναν ποιητή (Ode to a poet) op.180 for Cello (2015)
- Arabesque op.183 for Flute (2015)
- Capricho op.185 for Alto Saxophone (2015)
- Piezas idiomaticas op.187 for Guitar (2016)
- Antigone's Lament op.190 for Flute (2016)
- Chromatic Fugue and Variations op.193 for Violin (2016)
- Εκάβη (Hecube) (Variations on a verse of Euripides' Tragedy) op.195 for mezzo Soprano (+ Percussion) (2017)
- Innamorati op.196 for Clarinet (2017)
- Grand Fantasy op.201 for Ancient Greek Lyre (2017)
- Folk Suite op.202 for Harpsichord (2017)
- The Storyteller op.203 for Alto Flute (2017) ( published by Tetractys Publishing )
- Hide and Seek op.206 for Clarinet in Bb (2018)
- Θεατρινισμοί (Theatricalities) op.208 for Violin (2019)
- The old wizard's tunes op.209 for Bass Flute (2019) ( published by Tetractys Publishing )
- The children approach the piano op.214 for Piano or two Toy Pianos (2020)
- April's Sketchandos Suite op.218 for Accordion (2020)
- Great expectations op.223 for Piano (2020)
- Baroque Flute Preludes op.226 for Baroque Flute (2020) (published by Tetractys Publishing U.K.)
- Ημέρες δόξας (Glorious days) op.228 for Trombone (2020)
- Χρωμόχορδον (Chromochordon) op.231 for Guitar (2021)
- Autokίnisis op.232 for Vibraphone (and two - three bass Gamelans if available) (2021)
- A little present op.236 for Lyre (2021)
- Doubting op.239 for Double - Bell, Quarter - Tone Trumpet (2021)
- Round B.A.C.H. op.240 for Toy Piano (2021)
- Ομολογία (Confession) op.242 for Ancient Greek Lyre (2022)
- 30 Easy Melodic Etudes op.245 for Alto / Bass or Concert Flute (2022)
- Enigmatic star (Αινιγματικό αστέρι) - E.A.Poe op.251 (Μετάφραση : Α.Σαντοριναίος) for Soprano or Tenor (2022)
- Why op.255 for Bass Flute (2023) (published by Tetractys Publishing U.K.)
- A farewell to Kauai'o'o op.260 for Flute (2023)
- Sweet azalea op.266 for Flute or Piccolo (2024)
- Seven studies in microtonal scales op.274 for Lyre (2025)